Millet is the very picture of ornamental grass. The golden green foliage darkens at the points most exposed to the sun, becoming more mahogany in tone. About mid summer, the rush-like panicles begin to emerge, rising to a height of 90cm (36"). Continue reading below for some tips on how to grow millet from seed.
Season & Zone
Exposure:Β Full sun
Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost. Use bottom heat to maintain a soil temperature of 18-21Β°C (65-70Β°F). Expect germination in 10-14 days.
Just cover the small seeds.
Grow single plants in large patio containers for a summer long spectacleΒ or use the seed heads in bouquets or as dried flowers. It would also look amazing as a kind of hedge or in other mass plantings. Water fairly regularly for best results.