The Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues (EFCL) was founded in 1921 - An umbrella organization created to support the Community Leagues of Edmonton. Today, the EFCL supports 163 Communities! The EFCL Green Leagues program supports communities with all sustainability-related projects, from community hall energy efficiency upgrades to helping to plan a community garden.
We hope to be able to offer a service to the communities of Edmonton to help them facilitate seed sharing and encourage residents to grow fresh, healthy food in their own yards as well as in community gardens.
Gardening in our communities encourages healthy eating and sharing food. It brings people together to learn from one another and can help build community. Many communities are organizing food shares within their neighbourhoods - providing fresh fruits and vegetables to those with little to no gardening space of their own.
Community Leagues in Edmonton are unique. They are often the hub of the community and traditionally provided recreational opportunities for their residents. Many Leagues are now expanding their roles by acting as centres for information and platforms for change by taking on sustainability-related and EDI projects.
Visit our website to learn more.