Beneficial Nematodes (50 million)


The beneficial nematode Heterohabditis bacteriophora (Larvanem) is a natural enemy of white grubs (larvae of European Chafer, Japanese Beetle, and June Beetles),... Read More

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West Coast Seeds ships anywhere in North America. However, we are not able to ship garlic, potatoes, asparagus crowns, bulbs, onion sets, Mason bee cocoons, or nematodes outside of Canada. We regret, we cannot accept returns or damages for orders outside of Canada. The minimum shipping charge to the US is $9.99.

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European Chafer Beetles

Product Details

The beneficial nematode Heterohabditis bacteriophora (Larvanem) is a natural enemy of white grubs (larvae of European Chafer, Japanese Beetle, and June Beetles), cutworms, and larvae of root borers, root weevils, flea beetles, as well as other pests commonly found in lawns and turf.

Predatory nematodes are most effective when used as part of an Integrated Pest Management program and when the pest you are treating is in its larvae stage. The soil must be moist and soil temperature ideally between 13° to 33°C (55° to 91°F) for them to be effective. Keep nematodes away from direct sunlight as they are sensitive to UV light. They are best applied in the evening, preferably during a rainy spell.

The fifty (50) million nematodes in the package will cover an area of 230m2 (2,500 square feet).

Read our article: All About Predatory Nematodes

Explore effective solutions for managing Chafer Beetles in your garden, including the use of nematodes and our Chafer-resistant lawn blend.

Upon receipt, take box out of the insulating shipment packaging. Refrigerate at a temperature of 2-6°C/35-43°F in a ventilated refrigerator/cold room until use. Use by expiry date on the box.

Seasonal item shipping: Items shipped at specific times of the year such as garlic, potatoes, onion sets, asparagus crowns, mason bee cocoons, nematodes and flower bulbs require special handling. They will be shipped separately as a new order with the applicable regional shipping charges applies. Whenever possible, we will combine you orders to minimize shipping charges.

This item ships by Xpress Post only. Preorders begin in spring with shipping starting June and continuing until sold out.

Quick Facts:

    Best biological control for soil dwelling insect pests

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Beneficial Nematodes (50 million)

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