This blend of annual and perennial wildflowers is selected to attract and feed a wide array of bumble bees. The Bumble Bee Blend Wildflowers are hardy to Zone 4, and are best grown in full sun. Different components of the mix will bloom at different times over summer, so the look will change as the season passes. This is a good blend for bee conservation β€” set aside an area for this mix to grow in wild from spring to fall, and leave it un-mowed over winter.

Balsam 'Camelia Flowered Mix' Impatiens balsamina
Catchfly Silene armeria
Cosmos 'Sensation Mix' Cosmos bipinnatus
Lupine, Yellow Lupinus densiflorus aureus
Nasturtium 'Single Mix' Tropaeolum majus
Rocket Larkspur Delphinium consolida
Siberian Wallflower Cheiranthus allionii
Snapdragon 'Northern Lights' Linaria maroccana
Sunflower 'Dwarf Sunspot' Helianthus annuus
Zinnia 'California Giants' Zinnia elegans

West Coast Seeds enjoys a geographically diverse customer base across North America. If you live in a sensitive bioregion, there may be campaigns at your local level against the planting of certain seeds. Please consider such campaigns as you select the right wildflower blend for your patio, garden, field, or farm. In Canada, you can visit the Invasive Species Centre website to find further resources on invasive plants in your region.